sex machine

sex machine

Monday, August 31, 2015


Female sterilization and male vasectomy are permanent methods of contraception and are highly effective. They are usually chosen by relatively older couples who are sure that they have completed their families. Occasionally, individuals who have no children or who, for example, carry an inherited disorder may choose to be sterilized. The uptake of female sterilization and vasectomy in the UK is relatively high compared to many other European countries, with around 50 per cent of couples over the age of 40 years relying on one or other permanent method.

Vasectomy is easier, cheaper and slightly more effective than female sterilization. It does not require a general anaesthetic. Semen analysis has to be checked after the procedure to ensure that it has been successful.

Technically, both female sterilization and vasectomy can be reversed, with subsequent pregnancy rates of about 25 per cent, but reversals are not funded by the NHS in many parts of the UK. Individuals should not have a sterilization procedure performed if there is a chance that one day they might want to have it reversed.

It is estimated that around 10–15 per cent of individuals in the UK subsequently regret the decision to be sterilized. Regret is more common in individuals who are aged less than 30 years at the time, have no children or in women who are within a year of delivery.

Long-acting reversible contraception is highly effective and the option to use these methods instead of a sterilization procedure should always be raised in the counselling session. They are reversible should a woman wish to keep her options open for a future pregnancy.

This involves the mechanical blockage of both Fallopian tubes to prevent sperm reaching and fertilizing the oocyte. It can also be achieved by hysterectomy or total removal of both Fallopian tubes.

Female sterilization will not alter the subsequent menstrual pattern as such, but if a woman stops the combined pill to be sterilized, she may find that her subsequent menstrual periods are heavier. Alternatively, if she has an IUD removed at the time of sterilization, she may find her subsequent menstrual periods are lighter.

Sterilization in the UK is most commonly performed by laparoscopy under general anaesthesia, which enables women to be admitted to hospital as a day case. Alternative techniques are mini-laparotomy with a small transverse suprapubic incision or, less commonly, through the posterior vaginal fornix (colpotomy). Mini-laparotomy is the technique of choice when the procedure is carried out post-natally (the uterus is enlarged and more vascular) and in developing countries where laparoscopic equipment is not available.

Essure® is a newer technique which is becoming popular. It involves insertion of metal springs into each Fallopian tube guided by the hysteroscope. Scar tissue grows round the metal springs and blocks the tubes. It can be performed under local anaesthetic or light sedation making it a cheaper and easier option than conventional laparoscopic sterilization.

Vasectomy involves the division of the vas deferens on each side to prevent the release of sperm during ejaculation. It is technically an easier and quicker procedure than female sterilization and is usually performed under local anaesthesia. Various techniques exist to block the vas, and their effectiveness is related primarily to the skill and experience of the operator. Vasectomy differs from female sterilization in that it is not effective immediately. Sperm will still be present higher in the genital tract and azoospermia is therefore achieved more quickly if there is frequent ejaculation. Men should be advised to hand in two samples of semen at 12 and 16 weeks to see if any sperm are still present. If two consecutive samples are free of sperm, the vasectomy can be considered complete. An alternative form of contraception must be used until that time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

An introduction to erectile dysfunction

An erection is the stiffening of the male sex organ which occurs during sexual arousal. On the other hand, ED or erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and/or maintain a hard erection (in more than 3 months) sufficient for uninterrupted sexual intercourse. This condition is not considered normal in any age and needs to be taken care of. Men at any age should be able to reach an erection, with less or more stimuli.

The most common diseases and health problems that lead to erectile dysfunction
- Diabetes – between 30% and 75% of diabetes patients have erectile dysfunction and this number is increasing with the aging process.
- Hypertension or high blood pressure – One in ten people suffering from hypertension have ED.
- Depression and other psychological disorders
- Neurological diseases and injuries like spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis.
- Surgery and radiation therapy in the pelvic area can also lead to temporary or even permanent erectile dysfunction. The use of certain drugs and medications can also lead to the onset of this condition.
- The psychogenic influence on the formation of erectile dysfunction today is more present than ever. Modern lifestyle often leads to ED.

What should we do when we notice that we have improper erection?
The first thing you should do is to answer some important questions. For example, do you have a desire to extend the use of medications and new techniques? Are you motivated enough for an active sex life? Do you get the support from your partner?

Given that about 50% of cases of erectile dysfunction occur as a result of a combination of organic diseases and mental disorders, it is necessary to discuss with your partner and with your doctor after that. In this way you can determine the real cause of your problem. Learn more about it then you may know the way to treat impotent naturally.

The primary goal is to determine whether there is existence of some organic cause for the emergence of ED. During the medical examination it is necessary to determine the existence of anatomical changes in the reproductive system which can lead to ED. For example, testicles with smaller size, presence of plaques on the penile structure, prostate cancer are some of the reasons that lead to erectile dysfunction. It is also necessary to perform full blood analysis and determine the level of PSA – a specific prostate antigen – and testosterone level too. Finally, it is crucial to share these problems with your partner and it would be advisable to consult your doctor once in a while.

Final thoughts
When you finally decide to determine the reasons for ED, you must be aware of the specifics of this problem and the causes. However, because of the fact that erectile dysfunction directly affects the quality of life in men and their partners; we should never ignore the warning signs. Although only 25% of cases are related to some organic disease and half of them experience combinations of organic and psychogenic factors, the very existence of organic disease affects the psychological condition of a person and the sex life cannot be consumed completely.

This is why it is very important to visit a doctor as soon as possible and to ask for your partner’s support and help. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

A Few Things You Should know About Anal Sex

There are many myths and delusions associated to anal sex and that’s why it is a good idea to learn more about this type of sexual intercourse. These tips will help you learn the experience and protect yourself from injuries. It will improve sexual health, make sex life more and more interesting.

Anal sex is not actually painful, but only if it is practiced in the right way
Since the anus itself has a huge number of nerve endings, due to improper treating it can be a source of pain. However, if it is performed right it can bring great pleasures. When it comes to penetration, anal muscles contact in a way like they are creating resistance. The pain will occur only when the partners don’t wait for these muscles to relax. If they are relaxed and if they use lubricants, the penetration will be painless.

Anal penetration is the least practiced form of anal sex
There are many ways in which we can experience anal pleasure. According to many people, the most practiced form is caressing the anus during masturbation, vaginal or oral sex. Some people enjoy feeling the fingers, while others prefer the use of anal vibrators or plugs. Analingus is also very popular among young people.

The anus is surrounded by two muscle sphincters
The anus is surrounded by an external muscle sphincter, which can be freely relaxed or tensed by any individual and internal muscle sphincter, which is managed by the subconscious bodily reaction system. This system is responsible for things like heart rates and response to stress. This muscle can be relaxed only when our body is completely focused on having anal sex.

You can always start enjoying anal sex even if it was uncomfortable in the past
The very sexual desire to have anal sex is not necessarily a guarantee for true sexual pleasure. Chronic tension in the anus is one of the main reasons for discomfort during anal sex (constipation, hemorrhoids etc.). This tension can be removed by learning more about the anus. The most ideal opportunity to do so is during a shower or a bath through masturbation when the body is completely relaxed. In addition, deep breathing can also relax anal muscles. When an individual learns how to relax the anal muscles, anal sex becomes completely painless.

Anal stimulation can lead to intense orgasm
The truth is that only a small number of people experience orgasm during anal sex. Most often, they experience anal orgasm when they are stimulating the vagina or penis at the same time.

Anal stimulation provides different kinds of pleasure
Anal pleasure can be mental or physical in their nature. In men, a source of pleasure may be pressure on the prostate no matter if we are talking about massage with the fingers, use of vibrator or homosexual intercourse. When it comes to mental pleasures, we are talking about the excitement caused by the feeling of breaking some taboos.

Nutrition affects pleasures caused by anal sex
Nutrition can play a significant role on the way we experience anal sex. It is best to eat food that doesn’t interfere the digestive process. Otherwise, penetration can only intensify the discomfort due to the tension in the digestive system.